Artist's statement...

Guided and ignited by reverie, my work reconstructs, invents, and catalogues hopes, wishes, and fears for the future. On a personal level, my work centeres around themes of family, as well as on a global level, often addressing issues of justice and sustainability. The meditative act of twisting and weaving wire into mundane objects allows each piece to evolve slowly to represent the profound realities and wonders of life.



Sheila Ferri was born in Philadelphia, PA. She graduated from Tyler School of Art with a BFA in Sculpture and went on to receive a MFA in Sculpture and an MAT, both at the Rhode Island School of Design.

As a sculptor, Ferri has worked in a variety of materials and mediums from clay modeling, bronze casting, wood and stone carving to glass. For many years now, her work has been predominately in wire. Her sculptures have been exhibited in galleries and museums across the country and internationally.

Ferri recently retired after 38 years as an art teacher at the Horace Mann School in the Bronx, NY. She lives in Middletown, NY with her husband. Ferri is the mother of three adult sons.